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Municipality of Espinelves, in the Catalan Pre-Pyrenees

The most effective way of seeing the impact a rural exodus has on forest spread is from above

1956 2021
Una comparativa realizado por: Mikel Konate

October 5, 2023

This comparison shows the territory surrounding the municipality of Espinelves, in the Catalan Pre-Pyrenees, Spain, photographed from the air in 1956 and in 2021. By comparing both images, it is clear that the abandonment of farmland has led to an increase in forest cover.

Most experts agree that one of the major risk factors behind large wildfires is the continuity of forests. In the context of mega fire danger, unmanaged and abundant tree areas are an enemy hiding in plain sight.

To learn more about forest continuity and its relationship with mega fires on the Iberian Peninsula, you can visit our report: Fuelling a Mega Fire


1956: American Flight Series B / National Geographic Institute
2021: Five-Year Flight / National Geographic Institute


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